Monday, December 3, 2012

Cold Connections Class

I taught a Cold Connections Class yesterday - this was the class project:

copper pendant

This is the pendant I made back in October as a demo for yesterday's class. We had 3 wonderful students in the class yesterday, and their pendants are all beautiful, and unique, as they all used different stamps for etching, different hammers for texturing, and different patterns and metals for the woven portion.

2 of my students: that's Karin, of Backstory Beads, on the left, and Stephanie on the right.

Materials table: tools, acid, Liver of Sulfur

I put all the tools and chemicals on one table, separate from the students' workstations - the classroom suddenly gets very small when we fill it with people (!), so it's good to be able to keep this stuff out of the way when you're working.

Students' work table

Bailey and his purple monkey snooze through the class

Everyone had a great time, and learned a lot!

And note to my friend Deborah up in Canada: it was 75 degrees and sunny here yesterday - just gorgeous! Sorry you missed it!


  1. I had a fabulous time. Thanks for a great intro to metalworking, and I will definitely be back - there's so much more I want to learn, and I can't imagine a better teacher!

  2. 75 - holy - I would kill to have that weather right now - although they say tomorrow is going to be about 56 whoo hoo and I get to go get my wrist x-rayed (so I dont have to stay at work all day - even better)

    the class looks great and wonderful - I love the cold connections your doing and it looks like everyone is having fun

  3. Not only did we get to see a really cool piece of jewelry today, we got to see a picture of Karin :-) Bonus! Looks like it was a fun class
