Friday, September 21, 2012

Copper Pendant with Dichroic Glass

I love blue and copper together, and made this deep blue dichroic glass cab awhile back, and it was looking for a good home. I decided to craft a fold-formed copper pendant to display it:

I played around with various sizes and shapes on paper first, and once I had a design I liked, I cut and filed the copper, gave it a deep textural etch, and then started folding.

The bail is very deep and wide, and could easily accommodate a beadwoven rope (I beadweave so much, I usually make sure all my bails are fairly large!)

It's available on Etsy!


  1. I love all the texture in this piece, and the color is just fabulous. Blue hues are everywehre this fall, and I could wear it head to toe, but I think this pendant would look fantastic with black!

  2. LOVE! What a beauty. The blue and copper do look great together. Perfect wide bail to go with all the wonder of the design.
