Thursday, July 19, 2012

I found a little playtime yesterday!

I survived yesterday at the shop - and that is a big deal. Wish I could say why, but I'm letting tact win the day here.

After I finished teaching the stringing class, I set up my torch and started experimenting with different enamel color combos and techniques:

Here are a few beads I sifted a second color onto:

(l) t. raspberry on white, (r) t. raspberry on clover

The raspberry on clover is a gorgeous combination, and doesn't show off well in these pics. I liked the effect of the striped band around the middle of the bead, and can achieve it a lot better with sifting than I can with rolling the bead in enamel.

Next I opened up some filigree beads, turning them into floral bead caps, then enameled them with one color, followed by dipping them into a second color to coat their tips.

" fantasy flowers" a la Barbara Lewis

I tried several different combos, and haven't yet hit the one I want to use for a floral necklace. Maybe today, if I have time!

I hope I don't regret not devoting this spare time to my Bead Soup!

1 comment:

  1. I love that raspberry on clover! Just my colors. Those fantasy flowers are beautiful also. I'm interested in seeing how they look in a piece.
