Saturday, July 28, 2012

Did you hear it?

Yesterday, around 5PM, I breathed a BIG sigh of relief - did you hear it?

I'm participating in the Bead Soup Blog Party Swap again, and I've had my generous soup mix for several weeks, and have been really stressing about how to bring it all together. According to the rules of the swap, I have to use a focal, a clasp, and some of the beads, and I was really struggling to come up with an idea that would incorporate all 3, because I didn't want to design one piece for the focal, one for the clasp, and yet another to use the pretty beads! That's crazy talk!

Every few days I would pull out the box, remove the contents, push stuff around, get frustrated, and put it off to another day. But I'm running out of days!

I'd worry about it at home, wake up at night with possible ideas, shoot down my ideas when I arrived at my work space, then lather...rinse...repeat. This is how I was starting to feel:

I decided to try again yesterday, with a determination to really dig in, focus, and not give up until I had a plan! And finally, it started to come together.

Mind you, I haven't actually designed anything - haven't even made any sketches, but I have a workable idea in mind, and that's enough for now!


  1. You know what?!? I did hear it!!!
    So happy you have some ideas you like.

  2. haha! Good luck! Glad to hear you have made progress. Sometimes just playing with the beads without a plan is the best way to have a creative spark. Sometimes we way overthink things :-)

    Thanks for visiting my blog today!

  3. So that's what that noise was! Looking forward to seeing your creation and what your partner made from your goodies.

  4. LOL you are so funny! I had that same problem with mine, but I finally decided in my head what I was going to do. Here is hoping that both of our design ideas work out and that we get them done before our reveal dates. Mine is Ausgust 11th so I really need to get on the ball and get rolling.
