Just a couple of quick pics of the old workbench this morning - I'm probably starting to sound like a broken record!
This is the iolite fringe zombie project - can you tell a difference between the left half and the right half? (close-up coming)... And please notice that my work space is much tidier!
Here is the close-up:
The arrow shows where I stopped yesterday - below the arrow, I am working on the first pass of fringe, and it's not so much fringe as it is "filler" - it wraps around and in-and-out of the wire crochet, giving some fullness to the base of the necklace. When I finish this pass, I will start working on the fringe.
I wrote a post earlier this week about the difficulties I have been having focusing on this project. I included a link to a FREE e-book on creative focus, and I strongly recommend this e-book (did I mention, it's free!) to anyone having issues with distractions, technology, and creative focus. I read this book over a couple of days, and even though it wasn't 100% relevant to my particular problem, it has some fantastic ideas for creating a more creativity-friendly workspace, and I am already implementing some of the author's tips.
I don't know whether the e-book is responsible or not, but I'm happy to report I seem to be back on track with my iolite fringe necklace. I'm not throwing distractions and obstacles into my path so that I don't have to work on it! Here's hoping I stay on track!
Happy Wednesday!
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