Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Wavy Pearls

When new Beading magazines come out, we try to stitch up 2 or 3 designs from each issue, to show customers what the patterns really look like when made up. And I say "really," because they frequently look very different from the professional pics in the beading magazine - I don't know why, whether it is lighting, or color selection, or what. They just look ... different.

The April-May 2012 issue of Beadwork Magazine contains this design, which really appealed to me (I love herringbone!):
This was a fun bracelet to make, but it was also very challenging. It was interesting to see how varying the sizes of the beads in the herringbone makes the wave pattern. However, my bracelet puckers, a lot - and I know it is due to my stitch tension. I am a very tight-tension weaver, and cannot stand for my thread/FireLine to show between stitches, so I was really fighting with this pattern. Herringbone, by nature, requires a little bit of thread to show where it crosses over between the "Vs" of the herringbone, but add to that the huge variation in the sizes of the beads in this pattern (the 4 beads in the herringbone are a 15, an 11, an 8 Delica, and a 3mm cube) makes for even more thread showing. My instinct was to pull tightly whenever I saw the thread, drawing the beads into an even tighter wave. But it also made the 8 Delicas and the 3mm cubes ride up on each other.

I ripped out my stitching twice, trying to work the stitching with a looser tension, but finally settled for what you see above, on the 3rd go-round. As they say, "it is what it is."

The other challenge is the length of the bracelet. Before the freshwater pearls were added, the bracelet overlapped itself on my wrist, and I hadn't yet added the clasp. But adding the freshwater pearls drew each wave up tremendously, and left me with a bracelet that is a full inch to short for me! Should have stitched a couple more puckery waves!

I like the bracelet, I enjoyed the pattern, and would like to try a variation of this funky herringbone again. However, this particular pattern is too wrought with problems, like puckering and visible FireLine, for me to try it again.
I plan to make this cover bracelet, which is Russian Spiral on Memory Wire, later this week. I have just recently come to realize, by making up these designs in the monthly magazines, that the Beading Mags tend to call "Russian Spiral," "Spiral Netting." I can see where they get that, but it will always be Russian spiral to me!

1 comment:

  1. Hi:
    This is the fine challenge.I've seen this design in many versions and each time,I can say,I like it,even if this pattern has been repeated in so many blogs.Yours seems to be more delicate.It looks better in non-agressive coloristics.
    Warm Greets-Halinka-
