Friday, January 6, 2012

Wine Cork Necklace

This cork bears the W. C. Fields quote: "What scoundrel stole the cork from my lunch." I ran sterling silver wire through it (it is an unused cork), capped each end with textured copper and steel washers, a copper bead cap, and a piece of sponge coral, and hung it from copper cable chain.

And it's available in my Etsy shop!

This was a fun project, and they'd make great key fobs, too. I'd like to make more!


  1. Love it! I think it is so cool that it has a saying on the cork, do they come that way from the bottle?

  2. The corks from this vintner all have different fun sayings; but the corks I use have NOT come from the bottles ( those are yucky with winestains and corkscrew marks!) I have a secret cork connection for virgin corks....

  3. Thanks, Christine! It was really fun to make!
