Thursday, September 25, 2014

Tigger in the ICU

Just a short follow-up to yesterday's post about Tigger:

I drove down to Columbia and visited Tigger in the ICU this morning. He is doing very well, but isn't ready to come home yet - here are pics of him with all of his drains, IVs, and such:

Tigger in his hospital garb

Hopefully, I'll get to take him home soon! I miss him!


  1. Awe, such a sweet baby so glad he is doing better.

  2. Thanks, Therese - he is much better, and is being discharged from the hospital later this afternoon!

    I am so excited to get him back home, but the nurse taking care of him tells me the staff there has completely spoiled him rotten!

  3. We've been thinking of you and your boy!

    Monty and Harlow

  4. Thank you Monty & Harlow - we really appreciate it!
