Sunday, May 5, 2013

5x5 Metal Component Challenge Reveal, Chapter 4 (the filigree "diamond")

Welcome to Chapter 4 of my 5x5 Metal Component Design Challenge Reveal
(Chapter 1, the filigree ring, is here;
Chapter 2, the copper square and the "X", is here;
Chapter 3, the copper disc, is here)

Here's the component:
I have no idea what this really is; I put it off until last, because I was totally uninspired by my initial design ideas, which were:
1) bead it
2) wrap it around a mandrel, make it a ring, and then either bead it, or wire something onto it.
3) find a small flat bead or cabochon, and bend the filigree "diamond" around it to form a bezel

After finishing all the other challenge pieces, I kept fingering this remaining component, and eyeing all the little holes it had for inserting stuff, and dangling things from ... and subconciously I guess I was still hung up on wanting to make some earrings for this challenge, because it suddenly hit me - let's cut this sucker in half!!

This worried me a little - remember: I only have one of these, so there is no margin for error! I would have to carefully cut across the middle, never deviating, so that all my little spaces for dangling still remained after the cut!

Nailed it! This pic was taken after I had carefully filed all the rough edges with the Dremel.

Next, I used the roundnose pliers to turn under the tops of the halves, so they would more easily attach to earwires.

Now - on to the dangling!

I decided the center dangle needed to big enough to balance out the filigree chandelier I'd created, and I settled on some metal flowers that I have set aside for enameling. I fired up the torch and enameled 2 of them in mauve and purple, one of my current favorite color combos.

Next, I added some matching Swarovski crystal dangles on either side, and one hanging from some Vintaj Natural Brass chain in the center of the enameled flower (as a stamen).

bronze filigree earrings with Swarovski crystals and enameled flower dangles

After attaching all the dangles, I decided I needed to turn the edges of the filigree chandelier under just a bit, to balance the shape of the enameled flower.

bronze filigree earrings with Swarovski crystals and enameled flower dangles

Happy "accident": These earrings make the most beautiful wind chime sounds when they move! They are absolutely delightful; I think they are my favorite pair of earrings, ever.

These beauties are available on Etsy!

That does it for my 5x5 Design Challenge Reveal. Here are the previous installments, if you missed them:
Chapter 1 (the filigreed ring)
Chapter 2 ( the copper square and the "X")
Chapter 3 (the copper disc)

And don't forget to check out the May issue of Bead Chat Magazine - our feature is on page 21-26!


  1. I think this was such a brilliant idea! The earrings turned out beautifully!

  2. somehow i missed this whole series. the jewelry in this series is spectacular! i absolutely love the post right before this with the disc. so inventive and beautiful!
    and this one~you are one brave woman taking a dremel to your one and only piece. WOW! what wonderful earrings/chimes :-) well done!

  3. I had fun with this challenge, and loved seeing what everyone came up with. Your earrings design is amazing!

  4. Just finished reading each of your blog posts about the 5x5 challenge. I was laughing out loud when I read about how "big" the pieces are. I guess I am so use to the pieces that I don't think of them as big. If you want to see big I have some HUGE pieces I have sitting on my table waiting to be photographed for my etsy shop.
    I love each piece you made, so creative and innovative.
