Sunday, March 24, 2013


Aahhh ... what to do today?

I'm sitting in my warm bed, under the electric blanket - all toasty! Drinking my White Chocolate Raspberry cappuccino, pondering my day. I have 2 full days off stretching in front of me!

I slept in - an extra 90 minutes. Great start!

Got up, let the dog out (after a 5 minute search, blind, for my GLASSES - I really need a clapper for the damn things!). Made the cappuccino. Back to bed.

Turned on GMA (thank you, DVR!) - only to discover that today's "news" is all basketball, all the time. That isn't news, folks - it is sports. Yuck. Fast forwarded through all of it.

It is nasty cold and rainy outside.

I am just a few hours away from finishing my latest freeform beading design, but because it involves about 40 individual piles of the various beads I am adding to it (I was bored on Friday, and I counted - 47 piles!), it is not really portable, so it is over in Georgia, sitting on my beading table at the shop.

I brought home a new project, one I tried to start last weekend, but the galvanized beads I had hastily chosen on my way out the door last Saturday evening were being naughty: As I worked the project's first few rows, my fingers started turning purple, and the purple beads starting turning silver. Hmmmm. I have never had that happen with galvanized beads, although I have heard about it. I decided I didn't want to waste time working with those beads, so I scrapped it. Now I have some non-galvanized beads to try, but I'm not as thrilled about the colors - but anyway, beading is a possibility.

I started a new Zentangle last night, so I could work on that.

I could read. I have hundreds of books on my Kindle that I'd like to read - especially the excellent one I'm in the middle of right now: Mr. Penumbra's 24-hour Bookstore!  I discovered this book on my friend Karin's blog - and it is excellent. It is truly one of those "can't put down" books - I want to know how it ends, but I will be so sorry when there is no more of it to read!

Mr. Penumbra - one of the best books I've ever read

And of course, I could waste spend the entire day on Pinterest ...

Here's what I NEED to do: clean the house. Ugh. 2 whole days? I could really make a dent in it!

  • bead weaving
  • zentangling
  • reading
  • Pinterest-ing
  • cleaning house
4 of my 5 choices allow me to remain in my warm bed, in my PJs!
1 is comparable, in my mind, to getting a root canal while listening to an endless loop of fingernails on the blackboard.

So, how should I spend my day?


  1. The house will still need cleaning 2 days from now so may as well fill it with things you do want to do on your days off - I always feel accomplished when I play - cleaning the house well everytime I turn around it needs cleaning .....

  2. "The house will still need cleaning 2 days from now" - if only I hadn't been saying that for SIX MONTHS ... bwahahahaha -

  3. Its my mantra - I'll clean tomorrow !
    I have to act on my ideas - at my age I may forget them.....

  4. I hope the beads won...but it's so hard to keeping humming along on a project if the colors don't inspire. Penumbra is one of my favorite reads ever - so glad you're loving it, too!
