Saturday, September 3, 2011

Hi, Jean!

Just a silly little post this morning - I have hours of beadweaving ahead of me for my Bead Soup Blog Party project, with the beautiful beads sent to me by my partner, Tammy Jones of Jewelry Making Daily.

And speaking of Tammy, she made a wonderful post about the Bead Soup Blog Party (BSBP) yesterday. Although I am not sure how I got this reputation for being hilarious...?!?! LOL

But I peeked at my blog this morning, and the little rotating Facebook widget showed Jean Campbell's smiling face as someone who likes Sweet Freedom Designs, and that just kind of was like a sign from the universe, that yes, I should get off this computer and go bead weave. Stat!! 'Cause Jean is one of my beadweaving idols....and those beads over there on my desk aren't going to weave themselves!

Like I said, silly post... off to weave now.

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