Saturday, June 26, 2010

Surgery over, and I am fidgeting at home

Just received a nice comment from my buddy PD, and since I am up and fidgeting around, I decided to go ahead and post.

Surgery was Thursday, and went well according to the doctor.

He discharged me from the hospital yesterday at 7:30 AM, but the nurses didn't get around to actually getting me out of there until 11 AM. We had to go to the hospital to get my meds filled, and were home around noon.

I have a real sore throat - partly from the breathing tube, but according to the doctor, mostly because a lot of scar tissue had accumulated around my windpipe from the previous surgery, so he spent a lot of time in that area vigorously cleaning out the scar tissue, so I may have a sore throat for up to 3 weeks. I know I have an unbelievable case of laryngitis - no one can hear a word I say, and it feels to me like I am screaming at them.

My fried Kathy has been staying with me - it was her husband who came down (with Nummy) and took care of me when I was really hurting last month. Kathy taught a few classes at my shop earlier this week, and then went into caregiver mode for me, but I am so used to being on my own, that she is pretty bored! I know she's ready to get back home, too. She'll be heading back to the mountains tomorrow.

So not a whole lot to report yet - I'm taking my steroids (to reduce the inflammation) and dilaudid for pain, although I'm not really having much, other than a slight headache. And I am putting cortisone on all the allergic reactions I am having to the dressing they put on my neck, that they swore to me was hypoallergenic and could not possibly be burning me in the middle of the night on Thursday after surgery. So they refused to remove it, and when the nurse took it off at 10:30 yesterday AM, it was blistered and red everywhere, and looks like a bad poison ivy today. And feels worse.

But I shall live to blog another day -thanks for everyone's thoughts and concern, and thanks for asking, Pam!

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