Thursday, January 7, 2010

It's been a really exciting week for me, Etsy-wise.

I've had 3 sales in the past 2 weeks!

And I just realized, as I was grabbing the pics for this post, that each sale was from a different medium, so that is pretty cool, in my book.

This pair of cold connections copper earrings, with loads of beaded embellishment, sold yesterday.

The buyer is a great lady who I actually met 2 years ago at the William Holland Lapidary School when we both happened to take the same class - so it's a pretty small world, after all. We had e-mailed each other a couple of times after that class, talking about our mutual Etsy shops, but this it was the first time I'd heard from her in about 2 years (or more), so that is pretty neat.

This wire-wrapped pendant sold over the past weekend. I also made the dichroic glass cabochon, so that's like 2 jewelry-making mediums wrapped up in one. Pun unintended, but apropos.

This beadwoven spiral sold right before Christmas - it features a gorgeous handmade lampwork starfish (certainly not handmade by me, however - lampworking is one area I do not claim world-domination in, lol)

Bailey and I did not encounter any snow when we were up in the mountains 2 weeks ago, but we are actually supposed to get some snow HERE tonight (but not much) - but he and I will get up extra early tomorrow just in case, so we can play if anything does fall and accumulate.
Hope everyone is having a great New Year!


  1. Congrats on your sales! You can have some of our snow, we have two feet of it. It is something like -23 degrees tonight, and tomorrow will be -4 to -14.


  2. Thanks for the congrats, PD - just sprinkle a little magic dust my way that this continues!

    As for the snow, we got zero - but the grocery stores all sold out of bread and water (so weird) and one school district even announced it would delay opening schools by 2 hours - all of this before 6 PM last night, still with no precip even falling.

    This is so typical for SC.

    I really just want a little snow - I moved here from Indiana, and I remember the big endless heaps - that's a nightmare I don't want ever again!
